Artist Tea Program in JT Natl Park

Excited to be part of the Artist Tea Program at the JT Natl Park!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

9 – 11 am at the Cap Rock Parking Area in Joshua Tree National Park

The clocks move forward an hour on Saturday night/Sunday morning and I hope you’ll join me in that leap:).

Promised land by C. Svehla

I will talk about the mythic imagination as the source of artistic vision and revelation. This perspective takes one beyond the self, to the larger world and realms of mythology, and the desert is a particularly potent place to experience it. Utilizing the Cap Rock nature trail, participants will experiment with a simple shift in perspective that can awaken the mythic imagination.

Please bring a notebook and pen if you can, and a mug! ☕️


Artists’ Tea connects Joshua Tree National Park with surrounding communities to co-create culturally relevant, immersive experiences in the Park. Each week at Artists’ Tea we host a different guest artist — all local or regional experts in their fields — to guide conversations and activities based on their work. These experiences are designed to invoke thoughtful consideration of topics related to Joshua Tree National Park.