Ecological Consciousness and “The Queen Bee” fairy tale

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  “Noting these tokens and examples some have saidthat a share of divine intelligence is in bees,and a draught of (a)ether: since there is a god in everything…”—Virgil, The “Georgics,” 29 BCE Stories from contemporary indigenous cultures convey an ecological … Continued

Wonder and “Valemon the White Bear King”

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    We are an impossibility in an impossible universe.” ― Ray Bradbury   The impossibilities of our existence are more than a matter of statistics and probabilities. Our stories remind us of the tensions that we are called to … Continued

Mysteries of Self, Other, and the Greek myth of Narcissus

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  “He is now struck with wonder by what’s wonderful in him…”—-Ovid’s Myth of Narcissus, translated by Allen Mandelbaum In the most popular version of the myth of Narcissus, a beautiful young man rejects many adoring suitors and falls in … Continued