Winter Solstice and the energy of regeneration

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  The cycle of material and psychic life is often encapsulated as life, death, and rebirth. This cycle is the mythological context of the solstice. But in her formulation of the ancient triple goddess, Marija Gimbutas writes of life, death … Continued

Iron John part 2 Owning your gold

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  Part 2 of “Iron John,” a fairy tale popularized by Robert Bly, and a meditation on outer riches, inner rewards, self-worth, and the quest to own your gold. Transcript of Iron John (part 2) Owning your gold Hello, and … Continued

Iron John and finding the wild man

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The words “this wide, beautiful, crazy world of ours” have been part of my introduction for this podcast for years. In my experience, this is an accurate picture and yet the meaning and context for the descriptors: “wide,” “beautiful,” and … Continued