Precious Bones- Aztec mythology in the 5th world

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  A myth from the Aztec creation cycle, the mythology of bones, and what it might mean to be in service to life today. “I have come here only to sing.”– Motenhuatzin, poet from Tlaxcala who witnessed the fall of … Continued

Cerridwen’s cauldron of inspiration

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  The Celtic story of Cerridwen and her cauldron calls to me as Halloween/Samhain approaches. She’s a witch in search of a potion and yet, the tug of the story is deeper. Seasonal changes amplify the energies of betwixt and … Continued

The myth of Arachne and the mysteries of transformation

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  Personal transformation. Do we really want it? What can inspire that deep change, and how far are we willing to go in courting those powers? Transcript of Arachne and the mysteries of transformation Hello, and welcome to Myth Matters, … Continued