The Bacchae: How do you imagine the dark?

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  “He is a young god.Mythologically obscure,always just arriving at some new placeto disrupt the status quo,wearing the start of a smile.” –from Ann Carson’s translation “The Bakkhai” In the northern hemisphere we began our collective descent into winter’s darkness, … Continued

Into the Labyrinth and the myth of Ariadne’s Thread

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  This episode is devoted to the Greek god Dionysus, whom Walter Otto aptly named “the epiphany god,” and his wife Ariadne. Dionysus was called “the Loosener” or lysios in Greek, the loosener of limbs and of minds. The Greek word lysios comes … Continued

“If life is a stage…”

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  “In traversing the eternal pull between what humans call reason and what that reason deems primal, Carson’s trademark simplicity allows this work to feel simultaneously ancient and contemporary.” —Publishers Weekly   I received some interesting comments and questions in … Continued