Luna Arcana, The Alchemy of Earth and Sky

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I’m pleased to share news of the publication of Luna Arcana’s new art book, The Alchemy of Earth and Sky, Vol.1. Luna Arcana is a project of my friend and colleague Rohini Walker. This anthology was published by the southern … Continued

Th myth of unlimited human potential and The Curious Mind podcast

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On The Curious Mind podcast- a conversation about the ‘Myth of Unlimited Human Potential’, the problematic impact it has on us, and what is a psychologically more wholesome way to integrate myths into our lives. The myth of unlimited human … Continued

Do you need insight and inspiration to make a change?

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I don’t have a new podcast for you this week. The excessive heat and wildfires here in California have brought me down physically and psychically, too many headaches and too much heartache. However, I do have news to share: Story … Continued