Many of us long to hear a good story and have meaningful conversation about things that matter.
Who we are, as individuals and a community. The strange twists and turns of this moment. Our philosophical questions. The mystery in life.

If you are looking for a speaker with a different twist on the usual topics or want an engaging hour or two of storytelling for your group or gathering, contact me and tell me what you have in mind.
I combine my academic expertise and love for the old stories with a unique ability to create space for conversation and group process. My mission is to entertain and inspire, to mix laughter with insight.
My story-based programs are suitable for organizations, groups, and gatherings of friends, in a range of settings from private homes to community centers and music festivals.
They are created for thoughtful, open-minded adults and hold special appeal for writers and artists, therapists, educators, creative change-makers and seekers of all stripes.
You’re never too old to enjoy a story.

Fees are negotiable based on the size and needs of the group and the length of the program. If you are more than 50 miles from Fort Collins, CO and/or an overnight is required, expect to cover my travel costs.
Scroll down to find a contact form. I look forward to hearing from you!
“The stories speak to something inside us that wants to know how our world lives, that wants to make order of it and find some meaning.” — Joseph Campbell
Want to hear a story? Click here to listen to an episode of the Myth Matters podcast and get the flavor of my storytelling.