Artists are often working on the leading edge of their culture because they handle mythic material. Myths and old stories are the foundation of any creative enterprise.
The quest for the new begins with the old. The personal and the collective always intersect.
We tell and retell the same stories, mining them for their contemporary resonance. They are our conversation partners, whether we embrace, extend, or reject them.
The ancient Greeks called this creative engagement mythopoesis, “making myth.”
It’s the means through which artists in every genre lead the way to new and necessary cultural forms, ideas, visions, and expression.
It’s the means by which you come to know yourself and your message.
Are you are developing a story, book, screenplay, or visual art project, or doing other creative work utilizing mythological themes?
I can help you understand how and why these mythic materials work— so you can make your project more engaging and impactful.
Consultation on the mythic content of your project could include:
Identification of the mythological motifs and patterns (the Hero’s Journey is not the only mythic pattern!)
Reputable resource and information about your central myth or story, relevant background stories, and essential structural elements and images in the mythic content that you’re using
Evaluation of the way plot lines, characters, lyrics, symbols, and other components strengthen or weaken your message
- Feedback on the viability of your project and suggested next steps
There is a relationship between the mythic content that calls to you, your project, and your artistic identity. The resources and expertise that I offer as a consultant frequently cross over into creativity coaching.(Learn more about my creativity coaching.) We can also explore this relationship in the course of our work together if that feels valuable to you.
My fees are based on the size of your project and the amount and type of consulting desired. The fee for my initial review of your project is $350+ depending on the amount of material involved. I’ll provide an estimate for the cost of my services once I understand your project and we’ve agreed on the assistance you’d like me to provide.
First Step:
Contact me via email. Provide a brief description of your project, the type of help you need, your timeline, and your budget. Let’s see what’s possible.
“”The new vision of the universe, it must be kept alive. The only people who can keep it alive are artists.” Joseph Campbell
Other options and resources
Simply doing some research or want to get a bit further on your own?
Feel free to email me if you have a specific question. I’m happy to help you if I can.
If you are working with a specific story or theme, the extensive story archive at the Myth Matters podcast or my earlier Myth in the Mojave podcast, could be useful.