Non-ordinary experiences and altered states of consciousness can take a number of forms: vision quests, dreams, psychedelic journeys, visitations, trance states, out-of-body and near-death experiences, and more.

Sometimes we invite these states and actively induce them. Sometimes they arise spontaneously.
Non-ordinary experiences of all types have the potential to transform us— if we find a useful narrative and meaning for the event and can integrate this into daily life. This integration process presents challenges without a coherent, supportive, collective context. Here in the United States, the social setting for non-ordinary experiences is quite negative.
The integration process is a journey in its own way, for many of us.
What you experienced may be beyond words and far outside your paradigm of understanding. This is the transformative power, whether the experience was fantastic or frightening at the time. But there is no transformation without conscious integration. Impact, sure. Not necessarily healing or illuminating.
Finding a way to hold the experience, give it form, relate to it, and weave it into the fabric of your reality requires commitment, time, and a frame of reference broader than the singular experience. Is there someone in your life who is supportive and sufficiently knowledgeable or experienced, to assist you in unpacking your experience?
If the answer is “no,” or if you want a different level of support, I may be able to help you.

I am a mentor, creativity coach, and experienced psychonaut able to offer guidance through the integration process in a safe, respectful space. My personal experiences and studies are wide-ranging and reflect my commitment to psycho-spiritual growth. Mine and yours.
The archetypal nature of the non-ordinary makes my expertise in mythology and depth psychology particularly useful in framing these experiences.
I encourage you to schedule a 30-minute exploratory phone call with me if you think that I might be of service to you. This call is free and there’s no obligation to complete your process with me.
Final important note: I’m not a licensed psychiatrist, psychotherapist or facilitator. I do not diagnose or offer clinical treatment for mental or physical health conditions, prescribe medications, provide psychedelic- supported therapy, or trip sit.
I do not advocate the purchase, sale or transfer of any illegal substances, or partaking in any unlawful activities related to illegal substances. Please refer to your country, state, and city laws regarding use of psychedelics and alternative substances.
“I returned to stalking the wild universe.
― Ann Shulgin, Phikal: A Chemical Love Story
Final question, if you please. How do I stop being afraid?
“Know that there is no safety anywhere. There never was and there never will be. Stop looking for it. Live with a fierce intent to waste nothing of yourself and life.”
There was one final message.
“Turn fear around. Its other face is excitement.”