What is animism? Anthropomorphism?
How are they different, and why might these ideas
matter to you?
My friend and colleague Rohini Walker recently invited me to talk with her about these questions. Our conversation was recorded as the first episode of the Letters from Luna experimental podcast project.
Click here to watch On Animism + Anthropomorphism on the Letters from Luna YouTube channel.
Rohini Walker works with people exploring the intersection between inner-decolonization and indigeneity, using the lenses of myth, nature and alchemy. She is also the co-founder of the Arts & Literary print periodical, Luna Arcana. We met in the Mojave Desert eight years ago. No wonder we became friends!
I hope you find value in On Animism + Anthropomorphism.
Feel free to post questions on YouTube or email me directly with your thoughts or questions.
Keep the mystery in your life alive….