Th myth of unlimited human potential and The Curious Mind podcast

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On The Curious Mind podcast- a conversation about the ‘Myth of Unlimited Human Potential’, the problematic impact it has on us, and what is a psychologically more wholesome way to integrate myths into our lives.

The myth of unlimited human potential, widely known as The Law of Attraction, was the subject of my dissertation some years ago. At the time, many people viewed this psycho-spiritual philosophy as self-help wisdom or quackery. But the influence of the idea had already spread well beyond self-help applications.

Today, the myth of unlimited human potential permeates American culture and politics, and like MacDonalds, has found its way into the growing self-help audience around the world. I think this is a problem because the myth is invisible. It’s commonly accepted as fact and not seen as a myth.

Earlier this spring, I was contacted by Gabriel Ellis, a psychotherapist and Buddhist scholar in private practice in Warsaw. He’s interested in ideas surrounding human potential and found my past scholarship.

Ellis is the host of the Curious Mind podcast, where he explores psychology and self-development. Our exchange led to an interview that might interest you.

The interview is a toe dipped into the pool of a large topic. If you have questions or comments about the interview or the myth of unlimited human potential, feel free to contact me.

Here are links to listen:

To listen to the podcast on apple:

To listen to the podcast on spotify:

To listen and watch the zoom video on youtube:

To learn more about Gabriel Ellis

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